Auvergne Economy

  • Situated in the heart of central France, Auvergne is an isolated region with limited industrial and economic development...
  • However, Auvergne is well-known for some specific sectors like agriculture, industry and tourism, respectively for its wine and cheese, pneumatic and metallurgic productions, as natural parks and sites attractions.
  • Thanks to its mountains range called Massif Central, Auvergne is targeted on the bovine and dairy productions and the best destination for cheese lovers.
Key economical Data for Auvergne
GDP 31.6 billion Euros, equivalent to 1.9% of national GDP*.
International Trade

Auvergne region account for 3.8 billion euros of Imports and 5.1 billion euros of Exports.

Important trading partners: Europe, USA, China, Nigeria, Russia, Brazil.

Total Companies

More than 60,669 companies are based in Auvergne.

4,479 compagnies creation in 2004

Largest Companies Michelin and Groupe Limagrain are leading companies on both international and European scale, according to their turnover (+ 1 billion euros TO*).
Employment Working population includes more than 524,410 Auvergne inhabitants.
Unemployment 8.6% of this working population is unemployed.
Student population Nearly 40,000 students across Auvergne.
Salary Average salary = 14,882 €/year.
Auvergne Agriculture
Agricultural products

Dairy products: Saint-Nectaire, Cantal, Salers, Fourme d'Ambert and Bleu d'Auvergne, Roquefort, Bleu des Causses

The five main Auvergne AOC cheeses production represents 50,000 tonnes, the equivalent to 1/4 of all France AOC cheeses production.

Meat products: salt pork products (ham and sausages), sheep tripes.

Wines from grapes: Saint-Pourçain, Châteaugay, Madargues, Boudes or Corent.

Vegetables: the green lentils of Le Puy-en-Velay, cereals (barley wheat, sweetcorn), colza, sunflower and beet.

Key facts Agriculture involves 41,000 people. This is equivalent to 8.5 % of local jobs.
Auvergne Industry

Main industry is symbolized by pneumatic sector, including Michelin, the worldwide leader, with its headquarter in Clermont-Ferrand, Kleber and Dunlop.

Auvergne small industries includes metallurgy, mecanical, chemistry pharmaceutical,research and development and food-industry sectors and more particularly cutlery works and lace manufacture.

Key facts Industry involves 110,000 people. This is equivalent to 20% of the Auvergne working population.
Building More than 32,000 people are involved in the building sector in Auvergne. The positive conjuncture of this sector offers an increase of 12.7 % for housing planning permission and 5.5 % for residential construction sites.
Auvergne Tertiary sector
Sectors Commerce, Health, Administration, Education.
Key facts 284,000 people are involved in Tertiary and services sector.

Auvergne is at the 5th rank of French touristic regions, welcoming 3% of all the touristic french population. This is equivalent to 3 million of French tourists travelling every year to Auvergne.

Most of foreigners tourists come from Europe, the equivalent to 90.4% of the total 500,000 foreigners.

British, as Belgian and German are the first customers of regional hotel business.

With over 180,000 tourist beds and 410 000 beds in second homes, Auvergne Hotels, Gîtes, Holiday Homes, B&B and Camping sites are abundant for welcoming all these people looking for nature and peace.

Restaurants and shops also take advantage of this touristic opportunity during the peak season. This consumption is equivalent to 2.5 billion euros.

* GDP (Gross Domestic Product= Produit intérieur brut)

* TO (Turn Over = Chiffre d'affaires)

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