Champagne Ardenne Weather and Climate

  • The oceanic climate of ths region is mostly mild: 2°C in January, 18°C in July, with an annual average of about 10°C. It rains more often in Ardennes and Haute-Marne, and the climate there is more rigorous.
  • It rains more between November and March.
  • During the summertime there are many thunderstorms and winters are long and generally cold.
  • It snows for 20 to 30 days each year.
  • Roads are covered with ice for 70 to 80 days each year.
  • Winds are generally gentle except in winter.


Climate Type Mild.
Average temperature Summer: 18°c, Winter 2°c.
Average sunshine 1,500 hours per year.
Average rainfall Between 550 and 700 mm per year. (Ardennes and Haute-Marne: between 1,000 to 1,200 mm per year)

Champagne Ardenne Weather Statistics

Month Average Temperature
January 10°
February 12°
March 13.6°
April 15.8°
May 19°
June 22.4°
July 24.7°
August 25.2°
September 22.7°
October 18.5°
November 13°
December 10.5°

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