Picardy Weather

  • Situated to the limit of the headways of cold and dry continental polar air, Picardy is characterized by wet and fresh air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean. The region presents many nuances in the progress of the seasons and depending on the location, there can be lots of difference in terms of climate.
  • In winter, Picardy is generally wetter than cold with a persevering coolness, a quasi-permanent humidity and powerful winds, especially in border of the coast. On the heights of Bray and in Thiérache, the snow can however accumulate and persist some days.
  • Summer is rather short and moderated (17°C to 20°C approximately). Yet beautiful sunny days arise all year long.
Picardy Climate
Climate Type Moderate
Average temperature Summer:16.5°c, Winter 3.23°c.
Average sunshine 1,600 hours per year.(Amiens)
Average rainfall Summer: 53mm, Winter 51mm. Equivalent to 687 mm per year(Amiens).
Month Average Temperature Precipitation (mm) Average Wind (Miles/hour) Cloud Covering (in %)
January 2.7° 51.1 12.28 75
Février 3.4° 41.4 11.61 68
March 5.8° 56.3 11.61 66
April 8.6° 48.2 10.04 62
May 12.4° 59.5 9.15 62
June 15.2° 63.4 8.48 61
July 17.2° 60.4 8.26 60
August 17.2° 55.7 7.81 56
September 14.8° 58.1 8.93 58
October 11.1° 64 10.27 62
November 6.2° 66.9 9.82 70
December 3.6° 61.8 10.71 74

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